New game - coming soon!

No need to Beware the Ides of March. This year they bring an exciting new adventure game from MysteryCaper Productions. The Beast of Bodkin Hall is coming your way March 15th. Don’t miss out!

Yestertide is here

Our newest, longest and most exciting adventure game yet, Yestertide, has just been released!

This time, you’re a weary backpacker who takes a rest in a mysterious island town just before it’s cut off from the mainland - and not just the mainland, but time and space itself. Some rest!

Yestertide has something for everyone - comedy, intrigue, visitors from another reality, cats - everything you have come to expect from MysteryCaper games (except for the cats - they’re new). Oh, did we mention time-travel?

As one of our more involved games, we welcome discussion and hint requests. You can post a question in the comments section below, or contact us directly, if you prefer. And of course there is our world-famous hints engine (well, maybe not world-famous, but a couple people have heard of it). When you’ve solved the game (saving the town and the world and all those cats), don’t miss the post-game discussion at the bottom of the hints page. It’s the game that keeps on giving.


Yestertide on the App Store:


Over the years, players have reached out to us to ask about hints, strategies, etc, in our games. We love that. A lot of the time, though, these questions appear within a review on an app store. We love the reviews - so many of you have let us know how much you enjoy our games, and that means a lot. But if anyone does have a question about gameplay or needs a further hint not found in our hint system, it might be easier to post it here.

App stores have a built-in delay, both on the posting of reviews and our responses, so posting questions here (or contacting us) will allow us to get back to you that much quicker.

Thanks and enjoy!