What can I do downstairs at the Inn in the 50s?

The decorations seem to have changed. It's always worth taking a second look.


Especially at that group PHOTO.


It seems there's a new addition to the group?


Back away to meet the real-life Deirdre the cat.


She's so engrossed in her play with that ball.


It almost makes you think that the ball is somehow important.


If only she would be more willing to share.


How hard can it be to fool a cat?


If you could only find a similar ball somewhere.


Look in the closet behind the desk.


There's a GREEN BALL in a stack of bowls on the shelf.


Quickly swap the green ball for the blue ball and hope for the best.


You now have the blue ball. And the documents inside it!


Tap in inventory to read all about how to recalibrate the Universal Translator, otherwise known as the "compass."


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