How do I take the key from Vanessa's table?


1. A beautiful woman is probably used to receiving gifts.


2. Take the flower from the jacket hanging in your compartment.


3. Offer her the flower.


4. She's not entirely happy. Left like that her little flower will wilt in no time.


5. What do flowers need to stay fresh?


6. Go to Abbott's compartment (218) and take the water bottle.


7. Talk to Vanessa about the bottle to give it to her.


8. Sometimes pretending to be clumsy can work to your advantage.


9. Tap the bottle to knock it over.


10. Now be a gentleman and mop it all up.


11. Take the bartender's napkin when he's not using it, then use it on the spill. Look in your inventory. You just got a little bonus.


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